If you want to grab ten rings and try one on each finger to see which you like best, you should be able to do that – without having to ask a commissioned salesperson for help. Plus, there should be a price on each ring so you know how much everything costs. And since you are going to wear your ring forever as a symbol of your love, it should be made especially for you. Yours should be the only finger it has ever been on. Want to know more? It’s called the Love & Affection Collection, and it is a whole new way to shop for your engagement, wedding and anniversary rings.
There are plenty of places to go for jewelry. Here are 10 reasons why Fincher & Ozment should be one of them:
- 1. Your ring is made especially for you using your style and budget specifications in 10 days or less.
- 2. You get to see West Alabama’s biggest engagement ring selection.
- 3. You will find the latest collections from leading designers like Simon G.
- 4. You do not have to play pricing games. The price on the tag is the real price.
- 5. Your diamond is backed by a Diamond Grading Guarantee.
- 6. You can trade up your original Fincher & Ozment diamond at any time.
- 7. Tuscaloosa has been coming here for their jewelry needs for over 105 years. Would you like to see what they said about their experiences?
- 8. We love ‘Bama, know jewelry and don’t take ourselves too seriously. Find out more about us and our values.
- 9. We are direct diamond importers. What does this mean?
- 10. Price matters. You won’t find a lower price on the same diamond elsewhere. And what if I do?